A downloadable game for Windows

The simulation is a stealth game where the player is put into a simulated reality where they have to navigate a maze-like structure, while trying to avoid being seen by the robot guards which are surveilling the areas the player walks through.  The main goal is to go from checkpoint to checkpoint and finally reach the end which lets the player exit the simulation. Throughout the level there are colored doors which are locked until the player finds the key card with a corresponding color. These keys are saved at checkpoints, but be warned, checkpoints only activate once so use them to your advantage! 
The player has the ability to sprint for a duration indicated by the sprint bar at the top of the screen. Use it sparingly because you will certainly need to escape through narrow alleyways and around tight corners.

The controls are shown within game, but shown here for ease of use:

Z or W : Forwards

S : Backwards 

Q or A: Left

D: Right

Shift: Sprint

Esc: Pause Game

Updated 24 days ago
StatusOn hold
Tags3D, First-Person, Robots, Stealth, Unity


The Simulation.zip 42 MB